The Madras Sanskrit College
#84, Royapettah High Road
Mylapore, Chennai - 600004.
Tamil Nadu
044 - 2498 0421
Dr P R Vasudevan
Assistant Professor Department of Nyaya at the Madras Sanskrit College
Qualifications: B A in Adv Vedanta, M A in Nyaya, M A in Adv Vedanta, NET, PhD - लघुचन्द्रिकोदाहृतन्यायप्रमेयविमर्शः
Awards: Vedanta Vidwanmani, Vedanta Ratnam, Nyaya Ratnam, Nyaya Vidvanmani
Completed Tenali Examinations in Vedanta Sastra under Br. K S Maheswaran Namboothiri.
Completed Tenali Examinations in Nyaya Sastra under Prof K E Devanathacharya.
Ongoing Tenali Examinations in Mimamsa Sastra under Br. K S Maheswaran Namboothiri.
Ongoing Tenali Examinations in Mimamsa Sastra under Br. K S Maheswaran Namboothiri.
Traditionally studying Vedanta Vada Granthas under Br. Dr R Mani Dravid Sastrikal.